2 Weeks Notice/Layoff Checklist
Resignation Email Template
2 weeks notice/layoff checklist
Get your ducks in a row when leaving a job.
In case I need to contact HR (ex: employment verification), do I have their email address saved?
Does my employer have my current address on file?
When does my medical, dental, and vision insurance end?
Do I have access to medical, dental, and vision insurance web portals?
How many visits do my insurance plans allow and do I have unused visits?
If I have an Health Savings Account (HSA), how much have I contributed to it this year?
HSA Contribution limits
If I have an Flexible Spending Account (FSA), how much money do I have left to use? In general, unspent funds are given up.
Do I have any immediate high cost medical bills coming up?
Do I know where to find my tax forms?
Will I have access to employment web portals?
If I invested in employee stock purchase plan (ESPP), where can I find contribution details and cost basis?
Does my signing bonus have a clawback clause?
When is my next bonus paid out?
When is my next equity vest?
Do I have a copy of my pay stubs?
If I plan to rollover my 401(k), do I have access to the retirement portals?
How much have I contributed to my 401(k) this year?
401(k) Contribution limits
Can I cash in my unused vacation days?
Do I have any unused company credits, discounts, etc...?
Can I keep a copy of my performance reviews?
Connect with my coworkers on LinkedIn
Do I need to ask my manager and/or coworkers to be references?
What is current official title and level?
If I was promoted during my tenure, do I know the date of my title change(s)?
If I was promoted during my tenure, do I have a copy of my promotion letter(s)?
[Washington State] If I have life insurance with Long Term Care (LTC) through my employer, do I know how the policy will work post employment?